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Community-Based Approaches to Flood Management in Lao PDR and Thailand

Date: 1 May 2013 - 30 Nov 2015

Department: Disaster Risk Management Systems

Donor Agency: World Meteorological Organization

Location: Lao PDR and Thailand



The unprecedented Thailand Floods of 2011 as well as Tropical Storm like Haima and Nok Ten in Thailand and Lao PDR the same year had emphasized further on the community resilience and coordinated efforts in disaster risk reduction. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has been providing support to both the countries in strengthening capacities at various levels for better flood and storm management. ADPC is also the Asia Help Desk support partner under Associate Programme for Flood Management (APFM) initiated by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) since early 2000s. Under this initiative, ADPC and WMO are partnering for a joint program for Community-Based approaches to Flood Management in Thailand and Lao PDR. The objective of this project is to increase flood disaster resilience of flood prone communities in selected vulnerable areas where riverine and flash floods pose a prominent risk by improving their self-help capabilities and as such reducing the negative impacts of floods, while positive effects of floods are enhanced. The implementation of the pilot project will make full use of and enhance existing ongoing efforts and outcomes of past projects/programs. The existing flood/disaster management mechanism of Thailand and Lao PDR will be the backbone of the institutional governmental support for the project. The relevant stakeholders in respective communities will play key roles in the project implementation with support from the concerned district, provincial and national authorities. The specific objectives of the project are as follows: - To improve the capacity of communities in flood risk management by strengthening the community resilience in prevention, preparedness, response and recovery from floods caused by riverine flooding and flash floods - To strengthen the self-help capacity of communities in reducing flood risk and maximizing the flood benefits - To facilitate access of communities to national and provincial flood management programmes and activities.

Key Activities

1: Project planning and implementation 1.1 Consultation workshops on Community Based Approach to Flood Management (CBFM) with national stakeholders and agreement on project concept and implementation in the two countries 1.2 Selection of areas and communities for project implementation on the basis of WMO/ADPC-led country consultations 1.3 Engaging local partners; the Recipient Organization takes full responsibility for the management and supervision of local partners under their respective terms of cooperation 2: Capacity building in CBFM in the target communities 2.1 Rapid Assessments in target communities of flood related problems, existing capacity and self-help potential and requirements in flood risk management 2.2 Conduct of community-based awareness and trainings and planning sessions for urban areas, where appropriate in relevant aspects of flood management 2.3 Formation of Community or town Flood Management Committees, building on existing institutional and administrative structures and arrangements 2.4 Development of community flood management and implementation plans including the development of CBFM manuals covering relevant aspects and required activities to be undertaken before, during and after flood events in the framework of integrated flood management applicable to both Lao and Thai conditions 2.5 Prepare and conduct trainings for members of the CBFM Committee (CBFMC) and conduct participatory flood risk assessments through the CBFMC 2.6 Establish links between community-based organizations and institutions on district and national levels including for forecasting and early warning 2.7 Testing of CBFM manuals by the CBFMC and community members during two flood periods, documenting lessons learnt through the implementation of activities identified in the management plans 2.8 Development of CBFM Manuals and documentation of CBFM good practices in Lao and Thai languages and one workshop to promote sharing of experiences and exchange of knowledge between the two countries 3: Sustainability and phasing out of pilot intervention of CBFM in the target communities 3.1 With a view to up-scale the pilot project, provide support to mainstreaming CBFM into local, provincial and national development and action plans 3.2 Support and facilitate the establishment of community flood/disaster management funds and link to the national flood/disaster management funding mechanism through provincial and local funding mechanisms and private funding sources 3.3 Linking the CBFMCs to existing district and national institutions including local government authorities 3.4 Link CBFM to concepts and activities to required flood/disaster management adaptations as a result of climate change


- Rapid assessments in target communities of flood related problems - Formation of Community-based Flood Management Committee (CBFMC), building on existing structures - Community flood management and implementation plans including the development of CBFM manuals - Training for member of the CBFMC
