Geospatial Information

Making scientific information understandable

Geospatial information such as Geographic Information System (GIS) and satellite-based earth observation enables us to see a bigger picture and find solutions to the most significant development challenges including disaster and climate risk management. The Geospatial Information Department brings together professionals from across technical and management disciplines to provide customized geospatial services and capacity building to stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific as well as to ADPC's other departments.

Building geospatial capacity

ADPC intends to equip disaster risk management practitioners with the capacity to utilize geospatial information and technology, such as GIS and remote sensing, for various aspects of disaster risk management activities. This department delivers training programs for both technical and non-technical audiences. Basic courses such as introduction to GIS, which focuses on the interpretation of geospatial information for decision-making, are offered to people with little to no background in GIS and related topics. However, advanced training is provided to technical government agencies on specific remote sensing technology such as Synthetic Aperture Radar for flood detection. We employ a co-development hands-on approach to enhance the stakeholder s learning experience.

Understanding risk through scientific approaches

In collaboration with ADPC's Climate Resilience, Urban Resilience, and Health Risk Management departments as well as internationally-renowned partners, the Geospatial Information department supports countries in understanding disaster and climate risk through application of science and technology. The department's strength in geo-informatics and data science/management is used in combination of ADPC's capacity in hydrology, meteorology, geology, and seismology to quantify the likelihood and intensity of disaster scenarios and estimate their impact to assets, people, and the environment. The resulting risk information is illustrated as maps or online web portals which are used to assist in risk reduction planning as well as emergency management and recovery planning decisions.

Developing geospatial solutions for resilient development

The Geospatial Information Department focuses on using earth observation technologies to inform and solve development problems involving disaster and climate risks. One of ADPC's flagship programs, SERVIR-Mekong is a five-year (2014-2019) geospatial data-for-development program supported by USAID and NASA. SERVIR-Mekong works to assist countries in the Lower Mekong Region in using geospatial services to address on-going development challenges. On-going services for the region include improving drought forecasting and agricultural planning in Viet Nam, improving flood forecasting capacity with satellite-based rainfall estimates in Cambodia and regionally, and improving the region's near-real-time flood monitoring.

ADPC takes part in several international geospatial platforms such as the UN-SPIDER's Regional Support Offices, Sentinel Asia Data Analysis Nodes, and the Group of Earth Observation, Data for Risk Management Program (GEO-DARMA). ADPC is also in the process of applying to become a participating organization in GEO (Group on Earth Observation).

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