Date: 14 - 16 May 2024
Venue: Bangkok, Thailand
The course, in the long run, aims to promote gender and socially responsive on-ground resilience to climate change and disasters. The course aims to strengthen the technical and advocacy capacities of the participants in GESI.
It is well established that the impact of disasters and climate change is not gender neutral. In disasters, the needs of women, girls, boys and men are different and distinct. The disproportionate impacts include social and economic marginalization; barriers in accessing education; gender-based violence, inadequate access to institutional support for relief and recovery, marginalization of health rights and many more. These impacts are a manifestation of inequalities exacerbated by interventions and policies that are blind to social and gender considerations.
These deep-rooted inequalities prevent developmental gains from reaching out to the sections that are most vulnerable to climate change and disasters. There is enough evidence that social protection and empowerment of women are critical for building resilience to climate change and disasters. Developing women, youth and the socially marginalized as change-makers has brought forth the challenges experienced by different vulnerable groups. Empowering such leaders in climate and disaster excellence has led to many instances of community action in building resilience and in extending the benefits of development widely and in a more equitable manner.
It is, therefore, important to mainstream core issues around gender and social marginalization in policies, strategies, action plans and projects in all sectors. This mainstreaming process cannot be an afterthought to policy making and program design and has to begin with the understanding of what climate and disaster risk mean to different vulnerable groups. The challenge that most policymakers, civil society organizations, advocacy groups and other stakeholders is to find the starting point to advocate for and to mainstream gender and social inclusion (GESI) in their areas of work.
This course helps participants from different stakeholder groups to find that entry point. It moves beyond concepts and principles and focuses on operationalizing GESI mainstreaming into climate change and disaster risk reduction (CCDRR) programming. The hands-on approach adopted in the course will orient the participants to critical issues around GESI, tools and methods at hand, best practices in mainstreaming, and advocacy for GESI upscaling. The participants, as an output of the course, will work through the preparation of a gender responsive CCDRR project concept note.
In the face of disasters, the requirements of women, girls, boys, and men distinctly vary. Evidence from scientific studies reveals that disasters disproportionately impact women. This course goes beyond mere theoretical concepts, focusing on the practical implementation of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) within the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) framework. The goal of this training is to embed gender equality into DRR initiatives. Participants will be equipped to weave GESI principles into their disaster preparedness, response, and recovery strategies. As a course culmination, attendees will craft an actionable plan to enact upon their return to their respective institutions.
The course is divided into five modules comprising 12 sessions. The first module is a foundational module covering the fundamentals of gender and its interlinkages with climate change and disaster risk reduction. Following this, the remaining four modules will be conducted in a three-day face-to-face training scheduled for May 2024.
Learning Journey
Gender Literacy
• Fundamentals gender, its linkages with climate change, and relevance for disaster preparedness and humanitarian response
• Gender mandates in CCDDR
• Gender-responsive development
• Tools and frameworks for GESI mainstreaming
• Gender-responsive Budgeting
• Advocating for GESI Mainstreaming
• Entry points for engagement
• Partnerships & networks
• Changemakers for action
This course shall use various trainer-centered methodologies, including:
• Participatory lectures and discussions
• Presentations
• Group exercises
• Case studies
• Pre- and post-tests
The course is designed to encourage classroom participation and critical thinking. The group exercises create an environment for classroom participation where participants can share their experiences and accelerate the learning curve of the group. The final output encourages putting into practice the concepts learned in various sessions and strengthens the technical aspects of learning. Expert speakers will be invited to share practical experience in the implementation of gender equality considerations in CCDRR programming.
The course shall be conducted in English.
All the learning material will be handed over to the participants in digital format at the end of the course. Attendance, participation in group activities, and performance in quizzes will be used to evaluate the participants. The assessment criteria will be presented to the participants in the first session.
An email ID for follow-up queries of participants after the course is over will be made available.
$950 (without accommodation)
$1,200 [with accommodation (4 nights)]
Fees are inclusive of course materials (soft copy), cost of instructions and course certificate. For face-to-face training, fee is inclusive of morning and afternoon snacks and lunch during the course.
Module 1: Fundamentals of Gender and DRR (Online)
This foundational module covers important concepts, terminologies and frameworks on gender, disaster preparedness and humanitarian response necessary for understanding the gender and DRR inter-linkages in the first session. The second session breaks the myths around gender, which is often misunderstood in binary form. An intersectional approach is the foundation for understanding what are the different marginalized groups and how they are disproportionately affected by disasters. The final provides an overview of transformative approaches to achieve effective and sustainable disaster risk reduction and build climate resilience.
Session 1.1: Concepts and terminologies on gender, disaster preparedness and humanitarian response.
Session 1.2: Understanding the intersectional perspective.
Session 1.3: Gender Transformative Approaches
Learning outcomes: At the end of module 1, the participants will be able to understand key concepts for relevant to gender literacy, understand the interlinkages of gender with climate change and disasters and get a glimpse of gender transformative approaches relevant to preparedness and response.
Module 2: Enabling environment for mainstreaming gender in climate change and disaster risk reduction.
This module will pick the foundational threads in its first session and cover gender dimensions and key issues around GESI in different sectors. Understanding the different levels of risks borne by different sections is the important first step to building long-term resilience. The first session will also provide a snapshot of the global policy landscape and mandates at the interface of climate change, disasters and gender and key international policies on gender. The second session will focus on engendering climate change and disaster risk reduction policies and plans and how these global frameworks and mandates influence national-level planning processes and reporting.
Session 2.1: Sectoral linkages & global policy frameworks
Session 2.2: Mainstreaming gender in national policies and plans.
Learning outcomes: At the end of module 2, the participants will be able to identify key gender mandates in the existing climate and disaster international frameworks and identify mechanisms in which these global mandates impact domestic policies and planning.
Module 3: Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
Session 3.1: Introduction to DiDRR
Session 3.2: Practical Approach to Inclusion
Module 4: Gender Mainstreaming Tools and Frameworks
Designing gender-responsive projects requires robust gender analysis and incorporating the results in the design of a project. This module will focus on the conventional and emerging tools for gender mainstreaming at different stages of a project cycle. The first session will cover critical elements of project design and gender action plans. This will be followed by tools for problem analysis, project preparation, and implementation. The final session will delve into monitoring and evaluation and cover indicators, best practices and key issues around reporting and verification. This module will conclude by extending the project-level mainstreaming to a programmatic perspective of gender mainstreaming.
Session 4.1: Gender responsive project planning preparation and design/ Gender Action Plan
Session 4.2: Tools and Frameworks for mainstreaming gender in different stages of a project cycle
Session 4.3: Gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation
Learning outcomes: At the end of module 3, the participants will be able to understand the importance of gender analysis, identify important tools and frameworks for mainstreaming gender in projects and be cognizant of key challenges in monitoring and evaluation of gender outputs.
Module 5: Gender-responsive Budgeting and Climate Finance
At a policy level, one of the most effective ways for ensuring GESI mainstreaming is to ensure more accountability in public finances flowing for development through gender-responsive budgeting. The session on gender-responsive budgeting (GRB) will delve into the fundamentals of public finance for meeting gender goals. It will break the myth that GRB is simply increasing budgets for gender programmes but a more responsive way of managing public funds going into development programmes for enhancing gender equality. The second session in the module provides an overview of global climate finance architecture and the gender mandates around them. It analyses the existing funding mechanisms with the gender lens and provides potential ways of engaging while accessing these funds.
Session 5.1: Fundamentals of GRB and progress so far in the Asian context
Session 5.2: Gender and climate finance.
Learning outcomes: At the end of module 4, the participants will be able to understand the role of GRB as a strategy for gender mainstreaming in national-level developmental action and understand the gender inclusion provisions in different climate financing mechanisms.
Module 6: Advocacy for upscaling gender in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Mainstreaming GESI in climate change and disaster risk reduction policies, plans, strategies and projects requires active advocacy by different stakeholder groups. This module split into two sessions, will cover the importance of partnerships and networks, meaningful engagement of stakeholders, and developing changemakers for accelerating gender-responsive climate action. This module will also cover elements of stakeholder analysis and what constitutes meaningful participation of stakeholders. Through the sessions, the key foundation for advocacy will rest on proper communication, knowledge transfer and cooperation for capacity building.
Session 6.1: Partnerships and networking for gender in Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction – entry points for CSO engagement
Session 6.2: Changemakers – empowering men and women and good practices for GESI
Learning outcomes: At the end of module 5, the participants will under the importance of partnerships in advocating for mainstreaming GESI, the significant role of changemakers and identify the entry points in their areas or work for initiating gender mainstreaming.
Interested individuals and organizations can register online at www.adpc.net/apply.
For more information about the course, you may also contact Apibarl Bunchongraksa at apibarl@adpc.net and telephone numbers +66 22980681 to 92 ext. 132.