
Infographic - Connecting Community Preparedness and Business Resilience
for Environmental Sustainability in Thailand ADPC: Infographic - Connecting Community Preparedness and Business Resilience<br> for Environmental Sustainability in Thailand

Published on: 12/20/2019

Language: English, Thai

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)


Type: Brochures, Factsheets and Posters

File size: 0.71 MBFile size: 0.71 MB


Publication Overview/Description

The “Connecting Community Preparedness and Business Resilience for Environmental Sustainability”
project was implemented in partnership between Swarovski, Marigot Jewellery (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) from July 2018 to October 2019.

The initiative is part of Swarovski’s “Positive Production Program” for its owned production plants with the aim to work towards sustainability excellence in its manufacturing and production locations by 2020. The collaboration sits under Stream 3 of the Program through which Swarovski aims to positively impact its employees, their communities and contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing business relevant sustainability issues such as equality, wellbeing and environmental challenges.

Download a summary of the project's outcomes and achievements in English and Thai.