

14th International Training Course on Flood Disaster Risk Management in A Changing Climate

Duration: 14 Sep 2015 - 25 Sep 2015

Department: ACD

Donor Agency: Course fee

Location: Thailand,



Asia has more than its fair share of natural disasters, and floods account for 40 percent of the natural hazards affecting the region. Every year, floods cause the loss of a number of lives and considerable damage to properties, which severely sets back the development process. The climate change, global warming, rapid urbanization and socio-economic disparity are making the world, particularly Asia, vulnerable to floods. The need to combat the perennial problem of floods and resultant destruction has been a forefront concern for most Asian nations, which calls for a proactive approach to establishing a disaster risk reduction regime for safer and sustainable development. While contributing to the development of flood resilient societies, ADPC's training course utilized case studies, audio visual tools, field visits and interactive learning strategies. The course also presented flood preparedness and mitigation strategies from severely affected countries like Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Lao PDR, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam while also capturing case studies from other continents.


  1. Discussed the dynamics of flood risk in a changing climate
  2. Evaluated the extent of flood risk and vulnerability, and assess the capacity to respond
  3. Developed comprehensive strategies for flood risk management in a changing climate
  4. Applied climate-smart structural and non-structural measures for flood risk mitigation
  5. Developed preparedness and response plans for effective flood risk reduction
  6. Integrated flood recovery programs to flood risk management strategies
  7. Addressed cross-cutting issues in flood risk management