Traditional merit making ceremony at ADPC's office

Traditional merit making ceremony at ADPC's office

14 Aug 2014

Bangkok, Thailand

On Thursday morning, 14 August 2014, ADPC organized its annual office merit making ceremony intended to usher in another propitious year for the organization. During the ceremony, 5 monks were invited to ADPC’s main office in Bangkok. To the monks, ADPC offered sangkhapan consisting of consumer products, dry foods, and medicine. The monks chanted blessings and sprinkled holy water around the office.

Though the ceremony followed in the Thai Buddhist tradition of merit making, many of those who chose to participate were from cultures and observed different traditions. Others chose to respectfully observe the proceedings. In addition to blessing the office, the ceremony also had the dual purpose of allowing staff members to share a spiritual experience in order to further build upon their sense of camaraderie.