
ADPC launches iCARE Innovations Fund

Bangkok, Thailand – Over 100 participants, including government officials, United Nations agencies, civil society and non-government organizations, private sector, and innovators joined ADPC's hybrid side event on 'Targeting Transformative Adaptation for Riskier Times: Innovation in Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Asia' at UNESCAP's Fourth Disaster Week from 24-27 July 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand.�

ADPC also launched the new phase of the iCARE Innovations Fund to foster climate resilience and adaptation innovations by facilitating transformative, affordable, and accessible climate solutions. Using and creating data and analytics will advance the South Asia Region's decision-support systems, guidelines, standards, innovation, and co-creation.�

World Desertification & Drought Day 2024: "United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future"

Bangkok, Thailand – On June 17, 2024, the world will come together to observe World Desertification and Drought Day under the theme "United for Land: Our Legacy. Our Future." This year's theme is a call to action, urging all sectors of society to engage in sustainable land stewardship to combat the pressing issues of desertification and drought.

Are Southeast Asian cities ready for the climate emergency? Exploring Challenges, Gaps, and Needs.

Bangkok, Thailand – The Regional Workshop on "Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia", held on the 27th and 28th of February, 2024, has emerged as a platform for addressing the critical challenges posed by climate extremes in the urban landscapes of Southeast Asia.

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