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Tsunami Knowledge Base
Frequently Asked Questions about Tsunamis
Life of A Tsunami
Tsunami Facts For Students
Characteristics of Tsunami
Tsunami Mitigation
Earthquake as Driving Mechanism behind Tsunami

Earthquakes Information Booklet Produced By ADPC [english] or [thai]
Basic tsunamis for kids, produced by Natural Disasters Organisation, Australia

Assessment Reports and Other Relevant Publications
ALNAP Lessons from Previous Crises for Tsunami Responses
Emergency Management Australia, Disaster Recovery Manual
HPG- ODI: Indian Ocean Tsunami Crises Humanitarian Dimension
Natural Disasters: Myths and Realities about Tsunamis from PAHO
ODI: Learning from the Indian Ocean Disaster
Post-Disaster Damage Assessement and Need Analysis
Reconstruction Need Analysis, Planning And Implementation, 13-15 August 2002
Tools And Resources For Post Disaster Relief

World Bank: Lessons from Natural Disasters and Emergency Reconstruction


Summary of Sri Lanka Findings in pictures.

The lack of awareness about tsunami behavior increased the impact of the event. Nature provided a few warning indicators, which were ignored by everyone. If the public were aware of indicators such as the disappearance of the sea for few minutes, they could have identified the danger and many lives could have been saved. There was nearly 40minute of lag time between the destructive sea waves. Especially in the case of Sri Lanka there was enough lag time between the affected zones in eastern coast and western coast for warnings to be issued.

  Commendation Letter from the President, World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine