About us


The changing patterns of climate hazards cause extensive destruction in the major deltas of Asian countries, threatening the significant development gains achieved. With support from Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is implementing the program “Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia” (URCE).

Program Coverage

From November 2018 – December 2023, the URCE Program will be implemented in two target countries: Myanmar and Viet Nam (particularly targeting peripheral Yangon of Myanmar; Nam Dinh and Mỹ Tho cities in Vietnam) and also actively promote learning and exchange with other countries in Asia and the Pacfic through several regional level endeavors under the program.

Program Goal

The program goal is to build 'resilient communities in deltaic and coastal urban areas' and strengthening resilience of the urban systems and urban communities to current and emerging climate extremes, disasters and emergencies.


Building resilience to climate-induced hazards in urban environments needs to become every city dwellers priority. Understanding risks, increasing preparedness and response capacities, and strengthening the social, ecological and technological systems will contribute to sustainable risk management for the future.

ADPC combines technical assistance, support, training and knowledge sharing.

Key outputs include:

Five outcomes of the program

Defining Urban Resilience

The social, ecological, technological, economic and physical capacities of individuals, households, communities and systems within urban areas to anticipate, prevent, absorb, respond and adapt to shocks and stresses. Thus ensuring a renewed socio-economic vitality of the urban environment and transformation towards sustainability.