Lightning Talk Building Urban Climate Resilience: From Response to Anticipatory Action

Lightning Talk Building Urban Climate Resilience: From Response to Anticipatory Action

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in partnership with the Viet Nam Disaster and Dyke Management Authority (VDDMA) organizes this Lightning talk with the aim of sharing knowledge on Anticipatory Actions focusing especially on Urban Areas/ Cities. This Lightning talk is in line with Viet Nam’s ACDM Chairmanship theme “From response to anticipatory action and resilience: ASEAN’s journey towards global leadership in disaster management”

The 30 min Lightning talk will elaborate on the present status, challenges and good practices of designing and implementing Anticipatory Actions in order to minimize disaster losses. Moreover, ADPC will share its approach applied in Viet Nam to enhance the resilience of two cities (Nam Dinh, Nam Dinh Province, My Tho, Tien Giang Province) against futureanticipated climate extremes through its current program in the country, titled “Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia”. This program is supported by the Norwegian Agency for Development
Cooperation (Norad) through ADPC.

Da Nang, Viet Nam on 15 June 2023 18.00 Hrs - 18.30 Hrs (GMT +7)