
Innovations for Climate Adaptation and Resilience


The “Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia” or CARE for South Asia project is a five-year (2020-2025) regional International Development Association (IDA) grant project supported by the World Bank, and jointly implemented by Asia Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Regional Integrated Multi-hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (RIMES). The project is supporting the region in building resilience to climate change by improving the availability of regional data and knowledge, developing guidelines, tools and capacities, and promoting climate-resilient decisions, policies and investments across key sectors. The key stakeholders include governments and technical agencies at the regional and national level.

TecEmerge Resilience India Challenge and the Climate Innovation Challenge are two key components of the overall CARE for South Asia project.

The TechEmerge Resilience India Challenge is undertaken in collaboration with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as the technical partner with the aim to crowd in private-sector expertise and market-based innovation for resilience through the use of disruptive technologies to address climate and disaster resilience challenges. The main objective of TechEmerge Resilience India Challenges is to enhance the capacity of the communities and SDMAs to prepare and respond to disasters and climate risks, and COVID-19, through cutting edge technological interventions.


The TechEmerge Resilience India Challenge followed the IFC’s TechEmerge process. The process consisted of two tracks:

  • Fast-Track 1: Disaster Management during Covid-19 Pandemic – for proven solutions
  • Track 2: Resilience to Climate Change and Disasters – for prototype/proven solutions
  1. Assess: Identify challenges and needs of the authorities involved in preparation for and response to climate impacts and natural disasters, talking in person with local organizations to ensure that the technologies selected would best meet their needs.

  2. Source: An open call for innovators from around the world who have market- relevant solutions to apply to join the program.

  3. Select: With the support of a network of expert advisors, high-performing innovators with proven technologies are selected that can meet the needs of participating local organizations. At closing of the track deadline, an initial longlisting process was carried out. The longlist was subsequently shared with the Jury Members who were leaders in the field of technology and resilience

  4. Match: Through a carefully curated process, events and meetings were arranged for the shortlisted innovators to meet local organizations, demo their products, and discuss working together in pilot projects. Shortlisted applicants were connected to the NDMA and participating SDMAs through a virtual matchmaking event. The matchmaking event culminated in the SDMAs identifying solutions most appropriate to their needs and then working with the selected innovators to jointly develop sub-grant proposals to ADPC for review.

  5. Due Diligence: Sub-grant proposals and applying innovators were asked to demonstrate ability and capacity to comply with and meet the regulations and requirements of both the World Bank and ADPC. Additionally, the Innovator were asked to discuss and agree with the SDMAs, on the pilot project design, including timeline, required resources, roles and responsibilities, budget, key metrics to measure, etc. prior to submitting their proposals.

  6. Contract & Pilot: On approval, ADPC developed and concluded sub-grant agreements with the selected pairs (innovator and SDMA) to carry out implementation to test technologies in a local setting in India.

