
Lessons Learned from Community-Based
Flood Mitigation and Preparedness Project in Cambodia ADPC: Lessons Learned from Community-Based <br> Flood Mitigation and Preparedness Project in Cambodia

Published on: 08/30/2001

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Resilient Cities and Urban Management

Type: Progress and Assessment Reports

File size: 1.43 MB


Publication Overview/Description

The Cambodia Community Based Flood Mitigation and Preparedness Project was launched in September 1998 under the Asian Urban Disaster Mitigation Program. The objective of the project is
to establish sustainable, replicable non-governmental mechanisms for disaster mitigation and preparedness with a focus on flooding. Under the demonstration phase of the project, Red Cross volunteers were trained and supported to implement a community-based disaster preparedness
and mitigation process at the village level in three highly flood-prone provinces along the Mekong River. The CBFMP was jointly implemented by Cambodian Red Cross, Pact and The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.