ADPC's strength lies in networking and coordinating with partners from government line agencies at the national and sub-national levels to community members. Over the past nearly 35 years, ADPC has worked closely with regional cooperation mechanisms such as Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SOPAC), and the Mekong River Commission (MRC). ADPC's partners also include UN agencies, the World Bank and Asian Development Bank and many multi- and bilateral donor agencies.
Who we work with
ADPC works hand-in-hand with a diverse range of partners from the United Nations to government agencies and line-ministries, multi- and bilateral donors, community-based organizations, universities, technical agencies and international non-governmental agencies. As disaster preparedness and risk reduction becomes more of an interest with corporations in the region, ADPC is actively engaging the private sector for joint project implementation.
One of ADPC's strengths is its ability to successfully work together with stakeholders from the international to community level. Many of ADPC's established partners have worked together with the organization since its inception in 1986. ADPC's partners benefit from regional alliances with others that share a commitment to reducing disaster risk in Asia-Pacific through knowledge-sharing and bringing together institutions worldwide.
Working together
ADPC's approach to working together with partners varies from project to project. Our tailor-made approach allows flexibility and ensures that our work is as results-driven as possible.
Supporting ADPC
ADPC receives support from a wide range of its development and technical partners.
*Disclaimer - the text below has links to other agencies, public or private organizations. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. Once a link to another site is open, you are subject to the disclaimers and privacy policies of the new site* Development partners currently include:
Bilateral Donors (Government)
Donors (Philanthropic Organizations)
International Financial Institutions
Regional Financial Institutions/Funding
Private Sector
International/Regional Networks
United Nations (UN) Agencies
Technical partners currently include:
Government Agencies
- Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- American University of Beirut, Lebanon - Department of Nutrition and Food Science
- Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
- Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Bangladesh
- Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Deakin University, Australia
- University of Dhaka, Bangladesh - Department of Disaster Management and Science
- Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom - Global Disaster Resilience Centre
- Kasetsart University, Thailand
- Mahidol University, Thailand
- Makere University, Uganda - School of Public Health
- Malawi University of Science and Technology, Malawi
- Naresuan University, Thailand
- National University of Laos, Lao PDR
- University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia
- Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Thailand (Satellite Campus)
- Thammasat University, Thailand - Faculty of Public Health
- Tribhuvan University, Nepal
- University of Twente, the Netherlands
- University College London, United Kingdom - Institute for Global Health
- University of Alabama in Huntsville, United States of America
- University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- United Nations University, Japan
- Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands - Centre for Development Innovation
Research Institutes
- Indian Institute of Technology, India
- Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), India
- Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Japan
- International Centre for Environmental Management (ICEM), Australia
- International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Sri Lanka
- Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Norway
- Open Development Institute (ODI), United Kingdom
- Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), Sweden
- Pacific Disaster Center (PDC), United States of America
- Spatial informatics Group (SIG), United States of America
- Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden
- Sub-Institute of Hydrometeorology and Climate Change, Viet Nam
Regional International Organizations
Non Government Organizations
- Asia Foundation, United States of America
- All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI), India
- Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS), Bangladesh
- Cambodian Humanitarian Forum (CHF), Cambodia
- Center for Disaster Preparedness (CDP), the Philippines
- Janathakshan GTE Ltd., Sri Lanka
- Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research, and Development (LI-BIRD), Nepal
- Mercy Corps, United States of America
- Myanmar NGO Consortium for Preparedness and Response Network (MNGO-CPR)
- National Humanitarian Network (NHN), Pakistan
- National Society for Earthquake Technology - Nepal (NSET), Nepal
- Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK), Cambodia
- Practical Action, United Kingdom
- Save Earth Climate Services Ltd. (SECL), Bangladesh
- Small Earth Nepal, Nepal
- Thai Red Cross Society, Thailand
Private Sector
- Applied Insurance Research (AIR) Worldwide, United States of America
- Crown Agents Ltd., United Kingdom
- CTI Engineering International Co. Ltd., Japan
- Data Experts Pvt. Ltd., Bangladesh
- Lanka Solution Pvt. Ltd., Sri Lanka
- MP Ensystems Advisory Pvt. Ltd, India
- mPower Social Enterprises Ltd., Bangladesh
- Philkoei International, Inc. (PKII-Philippines)
- Resilience Innovation Knowledge Academy (RIKA), India
- Risk Management Solutions (RMS), Inc, United States of America
- Troyee Associates Pvt. Ltd., Bangladesh
Federations, Foundations and Networks
Media Organizations