
Safer Cities 5: Community Based Disaster Risk
Reduction in Central Sri Lanka ADPC: Safer Cities 5: Community Based Disaster Risk <br> Reduction in Central Sri Lanka

Published on: 06/30/2003

Language: English

Author(s): Asian Disaster Preparedness Center

Department: Resilient Cities and Urban Management

Type: Impact Stories and Case Studies

File size: 0.40 MB


Publication Overview/Description

This case study looks at two community-based disaster mitigation initiatives in Nawalapitiya, in Kandy district, central Sri Lanka. It demonstrates a novel experience as state, non-government organizations, local authorities and community groups collaborated to reduce disaster vulnerability of the affected communities. In Soysakelle, this partnership worked well and a storm-water drain was constructed, leading to further joint community efforts. In Gondennawa, the same approach did not work so well. Here, the steep sloping terrain made it difficult for people’s participation in the community-proposed
fire belt and afforestation initiatives. Conflict arose on issues of land ownership and different perceptions of whose responsibility it was to mitigate disasters.

These community-based mitigation efforts made use of landslide-risk maps, the technical knowledge of disasters andthe public awareness generated by earlier projects implemented by the Center for ousing, Planning and Building (CHPB), Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG), National Building Research Organization (NBRO) and Urban Development Authority (UDA), with support from the Nawalapitiya Urban Council (NUC).