A regional workshop with more than 120 representatives from around the Asian region calls for gender-inclusive disaster risk management. Held in Manila on 24 - 25 November, the workshop brought together gender and disaster risk management experts from Thailand, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Vietnam, among other countries.
Women and girls are often the hardest hit group in society in times of natural disasters, and gender-based violence remains a key issue during the response phase. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) in cooperation with Wilton Park and with support from the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs convened the workshop to identify mechanisms and tools to tackle this challenge.
"Systematically considering gender equality in disaster preparedness and response is a requirement for protecting vulnerable communities from the impact of natural disasters,“ says Shane Wright, Executive Director of Asian Disaster Preparedness Center.
The workshop delegates agreed that engaging women in disaster planning can save lives, protect assets and strengthen official disaster frameworks. They called for the national governments to integrate gender approach in the work of national disaster management authorities and collecting disaggregated data from disasters in order to better understand the needs of vulnerable groups.
“If the barriers are brought down before disaster hits and women are empowered, they can have a key role after a disaster that will further empower their role in the community,” said Dr. Mahbuba Nasreen, Professor and Director of the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies at University of Dhaka in Bangladesh.
As the most hazard-prone region in the world, Asia-Pacific must proactively manage its disaster risk. For nearly 30 years, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center has been making the region safer by strengthening disaster resilience at all levels. Its well-established networks with government line agencies and strong partnerships with regional organizations and development agencies provide the foundation for its work.
Wilton Park is an Executive Agency of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office providing a global forum for strategic discussion. It organizes over 50 events a year in the UK and overseas, bringing together leading representatives from the worlds of politics, business, academia, diplomacy, civil society and media. Events focus on issues of international security, prosperity and justice. Discussions are non-attributable to encourage frank exchanges.
Leila Uotila
Communication Specialist
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
Tel.: +669 2463 3097
Email: leila@adpc.net
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