Closing Date | Position Title | Job type / Duration of Engagement |
24January | SHORT TERM CLIMATE FINANCE CONSULTANTHomebaseThe Short-term Climate Finance Consultant will support the implementation of climate finance initiatives across ADPC projects, including developing training materials, conducting capacity-building activities, creating knowledge products, and coordinating project deliverables. The consultant will also conduct research, prepare reports, and provide support for project activities while performing other tasks as assigned by the Director and Senior Project Manager. Download: Job Description > | (job id:1037) Short Term 5 months |
Closing Date | Position Title |
Job Type / Duration of Engagement |
24December2020 | TECHNICAL WRITER FOR WHITE PAPER (THAILAND)Bangkok, ThailandThis white paper project aims to raise risk awareness, strengthen risk management capabilities of hospitals and other health care facilities in Thailand to be better prepared in responding timely to emergencies, disasters and disease outbreaks such as COVID-19. Business Continuity Plans for emerging infectious diseases and adapting to New Normal Healthcare service Innovations are presently worked on which will result in build back better and resilience after the crisis. | Consultant6 months |
22December2020 | COMMUNICATION CONSULTANTThailandThe Communication Consultant will provide support to the Communication Manager in advancing the disaster risk reduction agenda in Asia and the Pacific through targeted and innovative communications within the scope of ADPC’s vision, mission, and goals. The consultant will also work closely with program staffs in the development of communication materials and tools to increase the visibility of ADPC’s programs such as the Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia (URCE) program, and others. | Consultant12 months |
31December2020 | GEOSPATIAL DATA SCIENTISTThailand
The Geospatial Data Scientist will work closely with the SERVIR-Mekong Science team in developing geospatial tools, promoting improved information sharing, engaging in capacity building activities, and other tasks related to geospatial science. The Geospatial Data Scientist will be based in Bangkok, Thailand, with occasional travels for project requirements. | Regular Contract24 months |
17December2020 | COUNTRY PROJECT LEAD (PAKISTAN)PakistanThe Country Project Lead will be responsible for planning, coordinating and managing all the country level activities of the Project. The position will be based in Islamabad, Pakistan. | Regular Contract24 months |
The Climate Public Finance Management Specialist will play an essential role in Pakistan to ensure National expertise is available with a strong understanding of the country climate public financing systems and support in reviewing frameworks and reports to support in scaling up climate smart investment in the country. The consultant will further support in development of action plans and adaptation plans for climate and disaster risk-informed investments. The Climate Public Finance Management Specialist will be based in Islamabad, Pakistan. | Consultant12 months |
The Consultant Video Developer will work with the ADPC program team for the development of the instructional videos, which will support the components of the Online Learning Course. The Consultant will be expected to work closely with the iPrepare Business facility, a dedicated unit within ADPC, for engaging the private sector in disaster risk management in the design and content of the video development. | Consultant4 months |
1December2020 | PROGRAM COORDINATOR (CONSULTANT)NepalADPCis looking to recruit a qualified consultant for the position of Program Coordinator to be based in Kathmandu,Nepal. The Consultant will support the implementation of the PEER Program aswell as the Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) Phase 2 and APP ProgramSupport to Countries during COVID-19 in Nepal. The activities include research,coordination, and facilitation of these program activities with the governmentand other partner organizations in Nepal. This consultant position is open for Nepali Nationals only based in Kathmandu, Nepal. | Consultant12 months |
27November2020 | TECHNICAL CONSULTANT FOR UNDERTAKING AFTER ACTION REVIEWSHome-basedThe Technical Consultant will provide resource inputs and deliver specific outputs for the After Action Review process of the COVID-19: Country Support to APP Program for each APP country and the regional level. | Consultant2 months |
4December2020 | IMPROVEMENT OF WEB-PORTAL AND DIGITAL LIBRARY SYSTEM FOR NDRMC (CONSULTANT)EthiopiaThe proposed technical assistance falls under the Intermediate Outcome 1.1 of the program on Strengthen Preparedness for Response through Strengthening Research and Training under the NDRMC. The support builds on the initiatives that had been commenced by the UNDP IT-professionals seconded to NDRMC by transforming and upgrading the existing static web page to a dynamic and interactive web portal and resource center using Drupal information system. The program will assist in the finalization of the integrated web-portal and digital library. The updated system will provide information management services accessible to its internal structures of NDRMC and external stakeholders at various levels. The system will serve as a DRM knowledge sharing platform among the DRM stakeholders to exchange knowledge and experience, documents and procedures, systems and tools, sector-specific and joint resilience-building practices, research and reports, training and human resources, etc. This will also facilitate the effective coordination of DRM actions, cross-learning, and program synergy. Under this assignment, the national consultant will provide technical assistance for the finalization and testing of web-portal and digital library systems using agile software development methodology. The consultant will also develop a Web Content Management Guideline for operating the system. | Consultant4 months |
27November2020 | FINANCE AND ADMIN COORDINATORBangladeshThe Finance and Admin Coordinator will be responsible for undertaking all the finance and administrative tasks of various programs/projects being implemented in Bangladesh (including WB-BMD supported MSSI project) and liaise with ADPC Human Resources and Administration and Finance Departments on a regular basis. This Finance and Admin Coordinator will be based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. | Regular Contract12 months |
30November2020 | CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR INNOVATION GRANT PILOT PROJECTS TECHNICAL MONITORINGThailandADPC is seeking a firm to provide technical support to the two innovation challenges under Component 2.4 and monitor and evaluate technical aspects and implementation of the pilot projects. | Consultant12 months |
7December2020 | FIRM (REGIONAL): FIRM ON WEB DEVELOPMENTThailandThe firm needs to work closely with Communications and Knowledge Management Specialist of the CARE South Asia Project | Consultant12 months |
4December2020 | ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTBangkok, ThailandThe Administrative Assistant will be part of ADPC’s thematic department of Risk Governance. S/he will be involved in administrative support to both BRDR Program and WBCAR. This position is located in Bangkok, Thailand. | Regular Contract2 years |
28October2020 | GRANTS MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTThailandThe consultant will ensure efficient and effective use of the allocated grants to the innovators. S/he is also expected to be instrumental in drawing up the grant allocation mechanism, release of the grants and monitoring progress of the innovators who are assigned the grant for piloting solutions. S/he will seek technical advice from the ADPC’s Deputy Executive Director and conduct technical appraisal and performance assessment of the innovators, as well as regular administration of the grant. The consultant will be based in Bangkok, Thailand and report to Project Director. | Consultant12 months |
23October2020 | REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) COMPUTER AND RELATED EQUIPMENTBangkokThe Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) is implementing the World Bank-financed multi-year program on Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia (CARE) (the Project), which aims to create an enabling environment for climate-resilient policies and investments across South Asia through the availability of climate data and analytics, decision-support systems, guidelines and standards, and capacities for their application, for piloting in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan, noting that project outputs will contribute to the Climate Resilience Frameworks (policy and practice) in each target country, and that project outcomes have the potential for replication in other countries. As per the procurement plan of this Project, ADPC will be hiring many positions, that require high professional and specific skills, to support headquarters (Bangkok) and also country offices, which include employee and/or temporary engagement (Consultant or Short-term contract). ADPC will provide the Computer and Related Equipment for Country Level Technical Support and Regional Cooperation. This RFQ is for the procurement of Goods required in response to CARE Project. It is subject to procurement procedures. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has received financing from the World Bank (Bank) toward the cost of the CARE Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has its headquarters located in Bangkok, Thailand now invites quotations from suppliers for the Goods (Computer and Related Equipment) for Country Level Technical Support and Regional Cooperation described in Annex 1: Purchaser Requirements, attached to this RFQ. Submission of Quotations a. Quotations are to be submitted in the form attached in Annex 2 at . Quotations submitted as email attachments shall be in the form of scanned non- editable images. b. The deadline for submission of Quotations is at 23:45 p.m. Bangkok Time, 7th October 2020. c. The address for submission of Quotations is: Attention: Sudarat Rakpuang E-mail address: | |
30October2020 | PROCUREMENT OF SEARCH & RESCUE EQUIPMENT, FIRST AID ITEMS AND STORAGE CONTAINERSBangladeshAsian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) Bangladesh Office invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for supply of equipment and materials which include search & rescue equipment, first aid items and storage containers as per detailed specifications indicated in this bid document. ADPC invites tender bid (s) from qualified suppliers against this tender notice for supplying listed Search & Rescue Equipment, First Aid items and storage containers of all lots or specific lots. Lot -01: Search equipment (06 Sets) Lot -02: Rescue equipment (06 Sets) Lot-03: First Aid items (06 Sets) Lot-04: Storage Containers (06 numbers) Bids must be submitted at the following Address: Finance and Administrative Manager ADPC-Bangladesh Office House # 403 (2nd Floor) Road # 29, Mohakhali–DOHS Dhaka-1206, Bangladesh | |
25October2020 | GIS ASSISTANTBangkok, Thailand
| Regular Contract24 months |
15October2020 | ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATEThailandThe Accounting Associate will primarily be responsible for processing payment, cash advance, liquidation of cash advance, and maintain accounting records and documents. The Accounting Associate will be based in Head Quarter in Bangkok, Thailand. | Regular Contract24 months |
15October2020 | DISASTER RISK FINANCING AND INVESTMENT EXPERTNepalThe Disaster Risk Financing and Investment Consultant would be required to provide expertise in the successful completion of a report on a proposed Nepal disaster risk financing and investment strategy as per industry standard methodology, analysis and research ethics. The consultant will be based in Kathmandu, Nepal. | Consultant3 months |
15October2020 | URBAN PLANNERBangladeshThe Urban planner (Consultant) will provide technical support to implement the project on “Revision of Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan to make Rajshahi Metropolitan Development Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive” and he/she will be attached to ADPC Rajshahi Project Office (RPO). The duties and responsibilities of this position are listed in Section D. | Consultant9 months |
12October2020 | KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT OFFICERThanilandThe Knowledge Management Officer will coordinate, update and manage the knowledge-sharing website under the CARE for South Asia project. S/he will also develop content for the website with support and advice from technical teams. S/he will also be responsible for providing assistance and inputs to the quarterly newsletter of the project. The Knowledge Management Officer will be based in Bangkok, Thailand. | Consultant24 months |
7October2020 | GRANTS MANAGEMENT OFFICERThailandThe Grant Management Officer will be the team member of the ADPC’s CARE Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and assist in the overall implementation of the CARE project sub-component 2.4 technically and operationally. The Officer will assist in the management of innovation grants, its disbursement, utilization as per the project objectives. This position is located in Bangkok, Thailand and reports to the WB CARE PIU | Regular Contract24 months |
12October2020 | COUNTRY PROJECT LEAD (BANGLADESH)BangladeshThe Country Project Lead will be responsible for planning, coordinating and managing all the country level activities of the Project. S/he will also provide technical inputs on resilience. The consultant will be based in Dhaka, Bangladesh and report to the Project Director. | Regular Contract24 months |
7October2020 | REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) COMPUTER AND RELATED EQUIPMENTBangkokThe Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC) is implementing the World Bank-financed multi-year program on Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia (CARE) (the Project), which aims to create an enabling environment for climate-resilient policies and investments across South Asia through the availability of climate data and analytics, decision-support systems, guidelines and standards, and capacities for their application, for piloting in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan, noting that project outputs will contribute to the Climate Resilience Frameworks (policy and practice) in each target country, and that project outcomes have the potential for replication in other countries. As per the procurement plan of this Project, ADPC will be hiring many positions, that require high professional and specific skills, to support headquarters (Bangkok) and also country offices, which include employee and/or temporary engagement (Consultant or Short-term contract). ADPC will provide the Computer and Related Equipment for Country Level Technical Support and Regional Cooperation. This RFQ is for the procurement of Goods required in response to CARE Project. It is subject to procurement procedures. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has received financing from the World Bank (Bank) toward the cost of the CARE Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has its headquarters located in Bangkok, Thailand now invites quotations from suppliers for the Goods (Computer and Related Equipment) for Country Level Technical Support and Regional Cooperation described in Annex 1: Purchaser Requirements, attached to this RFQ. Submission of Quotations a. Quotations are to be submitted in the form attached in Annex 2 at . Quotations submitted as email attachments shall be in the form of scanned non- editable images. b. The deadline for submission of Quotations is at 23:45 p.m. Bangkok Time, 7th October 2020. c. The address for submission of Quotations is: Attention: Sudarat Rakpuang E-mail address: | |
7October2020 | CLIMATE POLICY AND PLANNING SPECIALISTNepalThe Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will play an essential role in Nepal to ensure National expertise is available with a strong understanding of the processes in developing development policy and plans to mainstream climate change. The Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will work closely with the Climate Policy and Planning Specialist in ADPC-Bangkok. The Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will be based in Kathmandu, Nepal. | Consultant12 months |
24October2020 | RESILIENT AGRICULTURE SPECIALISTNepalThe Resilient Agriculture Specialist will provide technical support to implement agriculture sector activities in Nepal. The Resilient Agriculture Specialist will provide support in reviewing national policies, guidelines and plans for agriculture sector in Nepal and assist in developing policy action and handbook for climate smart agriculture. The Resilient Agriculture Specialist will be based in Kathmandu, Nepal | Consultant12 months |
22September2020 | DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR OF EXPERTS AND INFORMATION RELATED TO DISASTER IN THAILAND.ThanilandCandidate for the position of Database Administrator of Experts and Information Related to Disaster in Thailand will focus on developing the database access of experts and their researches on disaster management that are very helpful for disaster management in Thailand. He/ She would deliver the following outputs to achieve the program implementation; A database management that presents the names of experts, organizations, data, and knowledge products to be stored in and be disseminated. An operational manual for this database system. | Consultant6 months |
19October2020 | WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTNepalThe Water Resources Management Specialist will be working specifically to enhance climate-resilient policy intervention and relevant implementations in water sector including national strategy for water harvesting, capacity building on utilization of climate and hydrometeorological data for integrated water resources management and he/she will also be responsible for ensuring high quality of deliverables in all aspects pertaining to Water Resources Management across Nepal. The Water Resources Management Specialist will be based in Kathmandu, Nepal. | Consultant12 months |
20September2020 | REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) ICT EQUIPMENTEthiopiaWe kindly request you to submit your quotation for procurement of ICT equipment, as detailed in Annex 1 of this RFQ. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2. The Quotation in pdf format shall be submitted by email to: Email:, within 20th September 2020, 11:59 PM Ethiopia time. For the vendors based in Ethiopia, the Quotation in hardcopy with sealed envelope can be submitted to the address below: ADPC Ethiopia office, Kirkos sub-city, woreda 9, House No. 635, Bole Olympia Area (behind Dembel City Center), NDRMC Building, 1st floor, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tel: +251-115-152469, +251-911-172065, within 20th September 2020, 11:59 PM Ethiopia time. It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the email address or the address above on or before the deadline. Quotations that are received by ADPC after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. Kindly ensure that they are signed, and in the pdf format they must be free from any virus or corrupted file. | |
12October2020 | RESILIENT TRANSPORT SECTOR SPECIALISTBangkokThe Resilient Transport Sector Specialist will provide technical support in revising guidelines (regional and countries) on climate-risk informed design and construction in the transport sector, as well as reviewing existing climate-related hazard and risk-assessment approaches to develop inclusive risk assessment and climate change methodologies for strategic and rural roads in Bangladesh and Nepal. The Consultant will further support in reviewing regional guidelines and standards for climate resilient transportation infrastructure to identify key gaps and issues to support in capacity building. The Resilient Transport Sector Specialist will be based in Bangkok, Thailand. | Consultant12 months |
7September2020 | INTEGRATED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT LEAD (IKM LEAD)Bangkok, ThailandThe Integrated Knowledge Management Lead (IKM Lead) will lead all knowledge management, southsouth learning, advocacy and communication efforts under the various programs being administered by the Preparedness for Response and Recovery (PRR) Department. The IKM Lead is responsible for building and maintaining a positive profile of PRR and ADPC work through impactful media and outreach across key external online and offline communications channels; and delivering compelling stories and events that reinforce the image of various programs, while supporting regular and efficient sharing and exchange of information through effective internal communications. The IKM Lead will also lead the development and implementation of advocacy tools and products, procedures, and systems, including knowledge management mechanisms and outreach functions such as program-specific portals, websites, etc. | Regular Contract24 months |
3September2020 | GIS ASSISTANTBangkok, ThailandThe GIS assistant will directly report to Program Manager – Risk Assessment as guided by the
Director of Geospatial Information Department (GEO). She/he will be responsible to provide
GIS technical inputs related to projects implemented by the GEO Department. | Regular Contract24 months |
27August2020 | HEALTH EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTBihar, IndiaUnder the output on Disaster preparedness actions for Agriculture, Health and DM sectors consolidated and scaled up in high-risk districts of Bihar state, one of the proposed activities is to strengthen the Public Health Emergency Operations and management system of Government of Bihar. | Consultant6 months |
7September2020 | DISASTER MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTBihar, India Statement of Intent:
ADPC is looking to recruit a qualified consultant for the position of Disaster Management Specialist to be based in Patna, Bihar State of India. The selected consultant will join a dynamic team of ADPC professionals based in India, while working closely with the ADPC Headquarters experts in Bangkok, Thailand. | Consultant6 months |
7September2020 | DATA ANALYSTBihar, IndiaUnder the output on Disaster preparedness actions for Agriculture, Health and DM sectors consolidated and scaled up in high-risk districts of Bihar state, one of the proposed activities is to strengthen the Public Health Emergency Operations and management system of the Government of Bihar. | Consultant6 months |
28August2020 | TRANSLATION (ENGLISH TO VIETNAMESE)Home basedThere are a total of 7 Modules, each with 3 - 4 lessons. Each Module will have an estimated running time of one hour. | Consultant2 months |
28August2020 | VOICE-OVER ACTORHome-BasedADPC, with the support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), is implementing an urban resilience program titled “Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia” (URCE). The program goal is to build ‘resilient communities in deltaic and coastal urban areas’ and strengthen resilience of the urban systems and urban communities to the current and emerging climate extremes, disasters and emergencies that are anticipated in the deltaic and coastal cities in Southeast Asia. | Consultant2 months |
28August2020 | TRANSLATORHome-BasedADPC, with the support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), is implementing an urban resilience program titled “Urban Resilience to Climate Extremes in Southeast Asia” (URCE). The program goal is to build ‘resilient communities in deltaic and coastal urban areas’ and strengthen resilience of the urban systems and urban communities to the current and emerging climate extremes, disasters and emergencies that are anticipated in the deltaic and coastal cities in Southeast Asia. | Consultant2 months |
28August2020 | VIDEOGRAPHY AND VIDEO EDITINGBangkokADPC is developing an online training course (7 core modules) and is looking for a consultant that can provide services on videography and video editing to support the development of the online course.
There are a total of 7 Modules, each with 3 - 4 lessons. Each module will have a maximum of one hour of video, with each lesson having an average of 12-14 mins of video.
The videos will have a mix of modalities: (i) animated video with voice over, (ii) PowerPoints with voiceover and (iii) PowerPoints with a person appearing in the video (seminar/lecture style). | Consultant2 months |
28August2020 | GRAPHIC DESIGNER AND ANIMATORHome-BasedADPC is developing an online training course (7 core modules) and is looking for a consultant that can provide services on videography and video editing to support the development of the online course. There are a total of 7 Modules, each with 3 - 4 lessons. Each Module will have an estimated running time of one hour. Each module will have an average of 8 graphics. The consultant is expected to produce a maximum of 60 graphics (infographics/diagrams). Each module will have a max of 2 animations. The consultant is expected to produce a maximum of 14 animations with an average length of 1.5 minutes and no longer than 3 minutes for an individual animation. | Consultant1 month |
12August2020 | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTKabul, AfghanistanADPC is looking to recruit a qualified consultant for the position of Emergency Management Specialist to be based in Kabul, Afghanistan. The selected consultant will join a dynamic team of ADPC professionals working under the PEER program in the region, while working closely with the ADPC Headquarters experts in Bangkok, Thailand. | Consultant12 months |
2November2020 | RESILIENT TRANSPORT SPECIALIST (BANGLADESH)Dhaka, BangladeshThe Resilient Transport Specialist will work (collaboratively with the Resilient Transport Sector Specialist based in Bangkok) on the implementation of climate-resilience adaptive engineering design and solutions in transport and revision of the Construction Practices and Procedures Manual to incorporate climate-resilient design and practices for strategic and rural roads in Bangladesh. Additionally, s/he will also support Road Sector Risk Assessment Specialist (regional) in conducting climate inclusive hazard assessment and risk assessment for rural roads in Bangladesh. The Consultant will further support in mapping needs and issues on climate resilient roads to support in capacity building of relevant stakeholders, including supporting workshops and training efforts. | Consultant12 months |
5August2020 | GEOSPATIAL DATA SCIENTISTBangkok, ThailandThe Geospatial Data Scientist will work closely with the SERVIR-Mekong Science team in developing geospatial tools, promoting improved information sharing, engaging in capacity building activities, and other tasks related to geospatial science. The Geospatial Data Scientist will be based in Bangkok, Thailand, with occasional travels for project requirements. | Regular Contract24 months |
4August2020 | COMMUNICATIONS INTERNHome basedThe intern will support Communications Manager in carrying out knowledge sharing activities. | Internship6 months |
14August2020 | PROJECT TECHNICAL COORDINATORBangkok, ThailandThe Project Technical Coordinator will assist the Project Director in providing technical support and coordination on enhancing resilience across sectors under the CARE project. | Consultant24 months |
24July2020 | DEVELOPMENT OF DRM RESEARCH AND TRAINING STRATEGY AND TRAINING NEED ASSESSMENT FOR NATIONAL DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ETHIOPIAHome basedThis assignment specifically contributes to the establishment of NDRMC’s DRM Study, Research, and Training Directorate. The assignment is looking for a consulting firm (national or international) or a team of consultants based in Ethiopia to work closely with NDRMC and line ministries. | Consultant2 months |
24July2020 | CONSULTANT E-LEARNING COURSE DEVELOPERRemote Working/ Online ModalityThe Consultant E-learning Course Developer will work with the ADPC program team for co-development of the E-module development, including the creation of instructional videos, formulation of interactive and webpage related components of the e-modules, required graphics and analytic function to track user details, etc. The Consultant will be expected to work closely with the I prepare Business facility, a dedicated unit within ADPC for engaging the private sector in disaster risk management in the design and layout of the course as well as contents development. | Consultant4 months |
30July2020 | COUNTRY PROJECT LEADKathmandu, NepalThe Country Project Lead will be responsible for planning, coordinating and managing all the country level activities of the Project. | Consultant12 months |
20August2020 | LIVESTOCK SPECIALISTDhaka, BangladeshThe Livestock Specialist will lead in national-level livestock specific activities under agriculture sector through reviewing various documents, assessing data for livestock sector and liaising with stakeholders in public and private sector. The consultant will provide further support in developing tools and guidelines to support in climate-smart agriculture and livestock. | Consultant12 months |
30July2020 | CLIMATE SMART POLICY ANALYSTKathmandu, NepalThe Climate Smart Policy Analyst will support in reviewing various regional and national policies, plans and guidelines related to agriculture sector and climate change. The consultant will provide further support in collecting and reviewing data to support in scaling up climate smart agriculture and livestock in Nepal. | Consultant12 months |
20July2020 | MAINTENANCE & DESIGN IMPROVEMENTS ON ASIAN PREPAREDNESS PARTNERSHIP (APP) PORTALHome basedADPC in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) launched the multi-stakeholder platform - the Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) to improve preparedness for response to disasters in Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka. APP comprises of national and local governments, non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, and the private sector networks to promote and support locally-led actions to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters, commonly referred to as "localization". | Consultant12 months |
7July2020 | RFQ:COMPLAINT REGISTRATION AND HR VIRTUAL ASSISTANT CHATBOTBangkok, ThailandThis RFQ is for the procurement of Goods required in response to CARE Project. It is subject to procurement procedures. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has received financing from the World Bank (Bank) toward the cost of the CARE Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Complaint Registration and HR Virtual Assistant Chatbot Project. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has its headquarters located in Bangkok, Thailand now invites quotations from suppliers for the Goods “Complaint Registration and HR Virtual Assistant Chatbot and the Related Services, | |
25August2020 | RESILIENCE INNOVATION GRANTS MANAGERBangkok, ThailandThe Resilience Innovation Grants Manager will be the team member of the ADPC’s CARE Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and assist in the overall implementation of the CARE project sub-component 2.4 technically and operationally. | Regular Contract24 months |
2July2020 | SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR MULTI-HAZARD INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN BIHARHome basedThe services of a consultant/agency are required to work with the ADPC team in Bihar to assist the Disaster Management Department in developing a comprehensive multi-hazard information management system. The consultant/agency is expected to work with the ADPC team and other specialists deployed in the Disaster Management Department to design, develop, implement, and monitor suitable solutions for this purpose. The duration of this assignment will be tentatively for six months starting from 1 July 2020 until 31 December 2020. | Consultant6 months |
5July2020 | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTDhaka, BangladeshADPC is looking to recruit a qualified consultant for the position of Emergency Management Specialist to be based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The selected consultant will join a dynamic team of ADPC professionals working on the above-mentioned programs, while working closely with the ADPC Headquarters experts in Bangkok, Thailand. | Consultant6 months |
9July2020 | REGIONAL ENGAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATORBangkok, ThailandThe Regional Engagement and Sustainability Coordinator will support the SERVIR-Mekong Chief of
Party in developing the stakeholder engagement plans and sustainability strategies and plans for the
SERVIR-Mekong project, coordinating inputs from the Science and Data Leads, the Capacity
Development Lead, the leads of all the geospatial services as well as USAID and NASA.
| Regular Contract24 months |
15July2020 | REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) PURCHASE OF FIRST AID AND RESCUE TRAINING EQUIPMENTSri LankaAsian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is seeking quotations from registered vendors in Sri Lanka only for the supply of First Aid and Rescue Training that will be used to support capacity building and training activities to be carried out by Disaster Management Center (DMC) and Disaster Preparedness and Response Division of Ministry of Health (DPRD, MoH). Therefore, ADPC request quotations for the procurement of Equipment, Supplies and Tools List, as detailed in Annex 1, 2 and 3 of this RFQ. When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 4. Quotations shall be submitted on or before July 15, 2020 at 5.30 PM Bangkok time by e-mail: Email: or shall be submitted in a duly signed sealed envelope to ADPC representation office in Colombo, Sri Lanka. ADPC Sri Lanka Office, Room No: 1-101 & 102, Block 4 , BMICH, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka Tel: +94 112694663; Fax: +94 112694663 | |
2July2020 | COUNTRY PROJECT LEADPakistanThe Country Project Lead will be responsible for planning, coordinating and managing all the country level activities of the Project. | Consultant12 months |
2July2020 | PROVINCIAL COORDINATORPakistanThe Provincial Coordinator will support in reviewing various water resource data, strategies , and policies. The consultant will further conduct consultation and validation workshops to further compile good practices of water resource management. | Consultant12 months |
2July2020 | CLIMATE POLICY AND PLANNING SPECIALISTPakistanThe Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will play an essential role in the program’s presence in Pakistan to ensure National expertise is available with a strong understanding of the processes in developing climate policy and plans to mainstream climate change. The Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will work closely with the Climate Policy and Planning Specialist in ADPC-Bangkok and the Climate Finance Specialist in Pakistan. | Consultant12 months |
23June2020 | CONSULTANT TO SUPPORT DRAFTING RELEVANT MATERIALS FOR DEVELOPING A TRAINING COURSE ON DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT FOR LOCAL OFFICIALS (DRMLO)Home basedADPC is currently looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Consultant to support drafting relevant materials for developing a training course on Disaster Risk Management for Local Officials (DRMLO) under the China Program of ADPC. | Consultant1 month |
17July2020 | ENGINEERHome basedThe engineer will work for the Urban Resilience Department of ADPC and provide inputs to the “Building Resilient Urban Communities" (BRUC) Project, specifically overseeing the implementation of the Community-Led Project (CLP). The BRUC Project in Yangon is implemented by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and Oxfam-GB with funding from the Asian Development Bank. The project aims to support urban poor communities, especially vulnerable groups, to improve their wellbeing despite the impacts of different disasters and climate change. | Consultant12 months |
30June2020 | TRAINING NEED ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND TRAINING STRATEGY FOR NATIONAL DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ETHIOPIAEthiopiaThis assignment specifically contributes to the newly established DRM Study, Research, and Training Directorate of NDRMC. The Program is looking for a team of consultants or a consulting firm (national or international) based in Ethiopia to work closely with NDRMC and line ministries. | Consultant2 months |
20June2020 | IT SPECIALISTHome baseADPC is looking to engage an IT Specialist to provide resource inputs for activities under the following projects:
| Consultant2 months |
3July2020 | GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTPakistanThe Water Resource Management Specialist will be working specifically to enhance climate-resilient policy intervention and relevant implementations in water sector (including groundwater strategy), capacity building on drought risk management and will be responsible for ensuring high quality of deliverables in all aspects pertaining to Water Resources Management across Pakistan. | Regular Contract24 months |
3July2020 | RESILIENT AGRICULTURE SPECIALISTPakistanThe Resilient Agriculture Specialist will provide support in reviewing regional and national guidelines for agriculture sector. The Specialist will further support in identifying adaptation and investment needs to strengthen the agriculture sector in Pakistan. | Regular Contract24 months |
30June2020 | PROJECT COORDINATORPakistanThe Project Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating and managing the operational, administrative and financial activities of the Project in Pakistan. | Regular Contract12 months |
3July2020 | CLIMATE RESILIENCE SPECIALISTPakistanClimate Resilience Specialist will play key role at national level to provide technical inputs on climate resilience activities in all components of the CARE project, ensuring technically sound and innovative climate-resilient interventions across focused sectors (road, agriculture, and water) at national level. Climate Resilience Specialist will also support in providing technical guidance in cross-cutting activities and technical support of relevant deliverables. | Regular Contract24 months |
24July2020 | RESILIENT TRANSPORT SPECIALISTNepalThe Resilient Transport Specialist will lead field activities and provide support in reviewing existing climate-related hazard and risk-assessment approaches to develop inclusive risk assessment and climate change methodologies for rural roads in Nepal. The Specialist will further support in mapping needs and issues on climate resilient to support in capacity building of relevant stakeholders. S/he will lead the capacity building activities in Nepal related to transport sector. | Regular Contract24 months |
30June2020 | PROJECT COORDINATORNepalThe Project Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating and managing the operational, administrative and financial activities of the Project in Nepal. | Regular Contract12 months |
20July2020 | SENIOR RESILIENT AGRICULTURE SPECIALISTBangkok, ThailandThe Senior Resilient Agriculture Specialist will provide overall technical support to implement agriculture sector activities in the project countries and also provide technical guidance to agriculture sector activities under CARE project.
| Regular Contract24 months |
30June2020 | MONITORING AND REPORTING SPECIALISTBangkok, ThailandThe Monitoring and Reporting (M & R) Specialist will support the monitoring and reporting system for CARE Program at ADPC. She/he will also support the further strengthening of the ADPC’s institutional monitoring, reporting and evaluation system by working closely with the ADPC’s M&E Unit. | Regular Contract24 months |
18July2020 | FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OFFICERBangkok, ThailandThe Financial Management Officer will support the FMS and Finance Department, ADPC in the further development of ADPC’s finance and accounting management system making it better at providing timely and reliable information for decision making, accountability, project management and auditing purposes and ensure consistency and compliance with ADPC’s fiduciary requirements. | Regular Contract24 months |
27October2020 | CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT SPECIALISTBangkok, ThailandThe Capacity Development Specialist will lead in development capacity building initiatives through training needs assessment to identify current gaps climate change adaption, climate public policy, climate finance, among other relevant topics. The specialist will further coordinate rational and national capacity development activities to support gender mainstreaming. The Capacity Development Specialist will be based in Bangkok, Thailand | Regular Contract24 months |
3July2020 | WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTDhaka, BangladeshThe Water Resources Management Specialist will be working specifically to enhance climate-resilient policy intervention and relevant implementations in the water sector including water accounting, and risk financing and will be responsible for ensuring high quality of deliverables in all aspects pertaining to Water Resources Management across Bangladesh. | Regular Contract12 months |
14October2020 | RESILIENT AGRICULTURE SPECIALISTBangladeshThe Resilient Agriculture Specialist will provide support in reviewing regional and national guidelines for the agriculture sector. The Specialist will further support in identifying adaptation and investment needs to strengthen the agriculture sector in Bangladesh. | Regular Contract24 months |
19June2020 | EOC CONSULTANTHome basedThe primary purpose of the assignment is to develop a systematic approach for the operationalization of the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) and NDRCC. | Consultant1 month |
21June2020 | CONSULTANT FOR EDITING PROGRAM DOCUMENTS OF ADPCHome basedUnder the overall guidance of the Director of Preparedness for Response and Recovery Department of ADPC, the consultant shall be responsible for the following specific tasks: | Consultant12 months |
26June2020 | PROJECT COORDINATOR - BANGLADESHDhaka, BangladeshThe Project Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating and managing the operational, administrative and financial activities of the Project in Bangladesh. | Regular Contract24 months |
22June2020 | COUNTRY PROJECT LEADBangladeshThe Country Project Lead will be responsible for planning, coordinating and managing all the country level activities of the Project. S/he will also provide technical inputs on resilience. | Consultant12 months |
14June2020 | DEVELOPMENT OF ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK FOR INTEGRATION OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS IN INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SCHEME OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIABihar, IndiaThe consultant hired for the task will be provided with the content to be included in the handbook but will be expected to define the communication approach for the handbook based on the needs of the potential users and develop the illustrated handbook accordingly in English and Hindi. The consultant is expected to submit a soft copy of the document in English and Hindi and 20 hard copies in each of the two languages. | Consultant2 months |
15June2020 | TRAINING NEED ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND TRAINING STRATEGY FOR NATIONAL DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, ETHIOPIAEthiopiaThis assignment specifically contributes to the newly established DRM Study, Research, and Training Directorate of NDRMC. The Program is looking for a team of consultants or a consulting firm (national or international) based in Ethiopia to work closely with NDRMC and line ministries | Consultant2 months |
10June2020 | DOCUMENTATION OF COVID-19 RESPONSE BY GOVERNMENT OF BIHARBihar, IndiaThe assignment intends to document the best practices taken by the Government of Bihar during the response to the COVID-19 crisis in Bihar State, India. The document shall be prepared in the form of a ‘Coffee Table Book’. | Consultant2 months |
24July2020 | CLIMATE POLICY AND PLANNING SPECIALISTDhaka, BangladeshThe Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will play an essential role in Bangladesh to ensure National expertise is available with a strong understanding of the processes in developing development policy and plans to mainstream climate change. The Climate Policy and Planning Specialist will work closely with the Climate Policy and Planning Specialist (Regional) based in ADPC, Bangkok, and the Climate Public Expenditure Specialist in Bangladesh. | Regular Contract12 months |
21June2020 | GENDER AND INCLUSION IN CLIMATE CHANGE SPECIALISTBangkok, ThailandThe Gender and Inclusion in Climate Change Specialist will provide technical inputs on policy review and strategic formulation, climate-smart innovation and capacity building across sectors from gender and inclusion perspective. The specialist will further provide technical oversight to review deliverables (policy, strategy, guidelines, handbooks, training programs, etc.) and provide technical comments to improve the deliverable to be gendered and inclusive. | Regular Contract12 months |
21June2020 | GENDER & DIVERSITY COORDINATORBangkok, ThailandThe Program Coordinator will be part of ADPC’s thematic department of Risk Governance. S/he will be involved in research support on a broad range of topics with a focus on gender equality in DRR. | Regular Contract12 months |
10September2020 | CLIMATE PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTBangkok, ThailandThe Climate Public Finance Specialist will provide technical inputs in adopting WB review and analyze existing climate public finance and support developing climate modeling and climate risk information to inform climate resilient policy, planning and sectoral guidelines. The Climate Public Finance Specialist will provide support remotely and also face-to-face with CARE country team and consultants. | Regular Contract24 months |
21June2020 | DRR MAINSTREAMING COORDINATORBangkok, ThailandThe Program Coordinator will be part of ADPC’s thematic department of Risk Governance. S/he will be involved in research support on a broad range of topics with a focus on mainstreaming DRR into development planning. | Regular Contract12 months |
21June2020 | CLIMATE FINANCE SPECIALISTKathmandu, NepalThe Climate Finance Specialist will play an essential role in Nepal to ensure National expertise is available with a strong understanding of the country climate public financing systems and support in reviewing frameworks and reports to support in scaling up climate smart investment in the country. The Specialist will further support in development of action plans and adaptation plans for climate and disaster risk-informed investments. The Climate Finance Specialist, Nepal will be working specifically on rolling out the climate change financing framework of Nepal in selected provinces. The Specialist will also be taking lead on the capacity development of officials in this technical area. | Regular Contract12 months |
5July2020 | SERVIR-MEKONG COMMUNICATIONS LEADBangkok, ThailandThe SERVIR-Mekong Communications Lead will lead all communications efforts for the SERVIR-Mekong program through targeted and innovative communications. The Communications Lead is responsible for connecting with the SERVIR-Mekong scientists, extract scientific information, and translate them into impactful media (often non-scientific) and outreach across key external online and offline communications channels. | Regular Contract24 months |
19June2020 | GEOSPATIAL APPLICATION DEVELOPERBangkok, ThailandThe Geospatial Application Developer will report directly to the SERVIR-Mekong Science and Data Lead. The successful candidate will be expected to work closely with the SERVIR-Mekong Science team in developing geospatial tools, promoting improved information sharing, engaging in capacity building activities, maintaining SERVIR-Mekong data portal, and other tasks related to GIS and remote sensing. | Regular Contract24 months |
20May2020 | RESEARCH LEADBangkok, ThailandThe Consultant will draft a report related to urban resilience in the region under the project consultancy services. | Consultant3 months |
20May2020 | RESEARCH ASSISTANTBangkok, ThailandThe Consultant will collect data and provide support in drafting a relevant report on urban resilience in the region under the project consultancy services. | Consultant4 months |
22May2020 | CONSULTANT - DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF IT SYSTEM FOR GOVERNMENT OF BIHAR FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION OF INCOMING AND OUTBOUND COVID MIGRANTSBihar, IndiaProgram for Strengthening Preparedness for Emergency Response and Recovery in India (PROSPER-India) seeks to assist Disaster Management Department (DMD) of Government of Bihar in preparedness actions for management of COVID19 in the state. ADPC has been requested by DMD to help with an IT solution (web and mobile) for registration of migrants coming into and leaving from Bihar. Additionally, maintenance support for the application for unhindered and uninterrupted service is required for a period of 6 months. | Consultant6 months |
17May2020 | CONSULTANCY FOR ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING THE DISASTER DATA AND KNOWLEDGE CENTERHome basedADPC is currently looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Consultancy to support the operation of the Disaster Data and Knowledge Center. The consultant will focus on supporting the Disaster Data and Knowledge Center at Chulalongkorn University through the development of an operational manual for the center as well as conduct research and establish an expert database to be used in the future. | Consultant3 months |
5June2020 | CONSULTANT: ENGINEERhome country, and will travel to project activity site in Yangon, MyanmarIn the context of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, the following duties may be modified
to adapt to the local conditions and travel restrictions that may be in place during the course of
the consultancy. This may require the consultant to develop templates and reporting
mechanisms, whereby the local team in Yangon collects the relevant information for review and
analysis by the consultant. | Consultant11 months |
10April2020 | HR AND ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATORDhaka, Bangladesh Country OfficeSupport for HR, finance, administrative and logistic support for the World Bank and BMD supported -MSSI project in Bangladesh, Provide necessary support to ADPC staffs and consultants on their duties, Support ADPC-Bangladesh office management to execute office properly, and Follow the ADPC rules, regulations and procedures. | Regular Contract12 months |
20April2020 | GEOSPATIAL APPLICATION DEVELOPERBangkok, ThailandThe Geospatial Application Developer will report directly to the SERVIR-Mekong Science and Data Lead. The successful candidate will be expected to work closely with the SERVIR-Mekong Science team in developing geospatial tools, promoting improved information sharing, engaging in capacity building activities, maintaining SERVIR-Mekong data portal, and other tasks related to GIS and remote sensing. | Regular Contract24 months |
20April2020 | SCIENCE AND DATA LEADBangkok, ThailandThe Science and Data Lead is the principal technical expert in the SERVIR-Mekong hub and the primary technical contact with NASA’s science team. The Science and Data Lead reports directly to the SERVIR-Mekong Chief of Party. S/he will take a leadership role in the development and delivery of scientific products and maintain an active network of clients and technical partners in the region. Primarily, s/he will lead the efforts of the wider SERVIR-Mekong technical team to develop new, high-quality user-tailored services, data, tools, and models to address on-the-ground priorities of the Lower Mekong region, but s/he will also contribute to capacity-building of users, facilitate improved information sharing and active use of geospatial information for decision making in the region, and help ensure the sustainability of hub functions at ADPC. | Regular Contract12 months |
15March2020 | CONSULTANT - DOCUMENTATION OF 2019 FLOODS IN BIHARBihar, IndiaThe assignment intends to document the best practices followed by the Government of Bihar during the responding to the Bihar floods 2019 with a special focus on Patna. The document shall be prepared in the form of a 'Coffee Table Book' | Consultant3 month |
14March2020 | CONSULTANT - DEVELOPMENT OF ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK FOR INTEGRATION OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS IN INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SCHEME OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIABihar, IndiaThe consultant hired for the task will be provided with the content to be included in the handbook but will be expected to define the communication approach for the handbook based on the needs of the potential users and develop the illustrated handbook accordingly in English and Hindi. The consultant is expected to submit a soft copy of the document in English and Hindi and 20 hard copies in each of the two languages. | Consultant6 month |
12March2020 | PROGRAM COORDINATORBangkok, ThailandA range of activities are being implemented under different projects by the Urban Resilience Department, which require desk-research and knowledge management support. ADPC is currently looking to fill in an entry-level program management position to assist in implementation of activities. The Program Coordinator will provide support in research activities both at regional and national levels. Therefore, the selection criteria will mainly consider the English-language writing skills and the desk-based research experience of interested candidates. | Regular Contract12 month |
15March2020 | VIDEO PRODUCER FOR DEVELOPING 2D ANIMATION VIDEO FOR THE PROMOTION AND DEMONSTRATION OF BUILDING BUSINESSES’ CLIMATE RESILIENCE (BBCR) TOOL IN SRI LANKASri LankaThe project team is in the process of developing the product in the form of mobile application and a web portal. Since the product needs to be disseminated among SME communities with self-motivation, it has proposed to develop an animation video to promote and demonstrate the product. In this context, ADPC, is inviting to submit applications by a video animation professional to deliver below stated tasks. | Consultant8 month |
14February2020 | REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS FOR SUB-GRANT AWARDS FOR THE 6 APP COUNTRIES, CAMBODIA, MYANMAR, NEPAL, PAKISTAN, PHILIPPINES AND SRI LANKA.BangkokThe Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) is a unique multi-stakeholder regional partnership, comprises of national and local governments, non-governmental organizations (local NGOs), civil society groups and the private sector networks in Cambodia, Myanmar, Philippines, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. The main goal of the APP is ‘safer and well-prepared communities through locally-led DRM actions, so that disaster impacts on at-risk communities of Asia will be reduced.’ APP promotes and supports the locally-led actions to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters, through a process commonly referred to as “localization.” APP defines localization as a process of which local, sub-national and national humanitarian actors, namely governments, civil society and non-government organizations, the private sector, media, academia etc., taking a lead role, in a collaborative manner to plan and implement priority actions in disaster preparedness, humanitarian response and recovery through mobilizing internal resources and external humanitarian funding. Under the Phase 2 of APP (2019 -22), with funding support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the APP Secretariat based at ADPC, requests for Proposals for sub-grant awards for the 6 APP countries, Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka. These proposals are expected to endeavor towards and demonstrate how the locally-led actions to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters will be enhanced and integrated within existing systems in line with the APP goal. The proposals should be submitted in agreement by the National Preparedness Partnerships along with a cover letter signed by the Co-Chairs of the National Steering Committee of the respective APP countries. Please visit: | |
15February2020 | OFFICE STATIONERYBangkokThe Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) invites eligible vendors to indicate their interest in providing the office stationery. Interested firms must provide the price for office stationery service in Bangkok and outside Bangkok. For queries, please contact Ms. Sudarat Rakpuang, Procurement and Employee Relation Coordinator ( | |
23May2020 | DEPUTY TEAM LEADERRajshahi, BangladeshRe-advertisement: Any applicants previously applying for this position need not reapply. | Consultant6 month |
23May2020 | ASSISTANT URBAN PLANNERRajshahi, BangladeshThe Assistant Urban planner will be work under the Team leader of RMDP project for implementation of “Revision of Functional Master Plan and Detailed Area Plan to make Rajshahi Metropolitan Development Plan (RMDP) Disaster Risk Sensitive” and operation of ADPC Rajshahi Office. She/he will be assisting the Department in successful implementation of the project. | Consultant5 month |
6February2020 | VDO PRODUCERColombo, Sri LankaVideo Producer/ Firm for developing a short video (1-2 minutes) and a video trailer (6-7 minutes) covering the evolution of Disaster Management in Sri Lanka for the International Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction from 16 – 18 March 2020. These two video productions will be played during the International Symposium. | Consultant1 month |
31January2020 | PROGRAM SUPPORT OFFICERSentul, IndonesiaADPC is currently looking for a suitable candidate for the position of Program Support Officer. As a part of the ADPC Academy the program support officer will be based in Indonesia and will support planning and implementation of project activities at the national, provincial, and district levels as part of the INVEST-DM Team. | Consultant3 month |
21February2020 | WEBGIS / UI/UX FRONT END DEVELOPERBangkok, ThailandThe intern will support the team on web design and development of geospatial web portals as requested, create mockups, wireframes and prototypes for Mapping Deforestation tool and others tool as requested. And help to design a User Interface of the near real-time mapping of floods tool. | Internship6 month |
21February2020 | WEBGIS BACK END DEVELOPERBangkok, ThailandWork closely with Web GIS developer and other team members to develop tools as requested. Support the team to build the Mapping Deforestation tool and other tools. | Internship6 month |
21February2020 | REGIONAL LAND COVER MAPPING USING MACHINE LEARNING AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEBangkok, ThailandA new generation of satellites enables us to map vegetation and crop types with unprecedented detail. We are using the new Sentinel-1 and 2 satellites for crop type mapping in Cambodia. | Internship6 month |
21February2020 | NEAR REAL-TIME MAPPING OF FLOODS FROM SPACE USING SAR AND OPTICAL FUSION TECHNOLOGIESBangkok, ThailandMonitoring and protecting the landscape is an important issue in the Greater Mekong Region. ADPC developed a system to map the landscape from space using satellites. The system was developed in collaboration with the University of Maryland, Google and NASA. We are currently developing an interactive dashboard for policy makers and other stakeholders to monitor the state of the land. | Internship6 month |
21February2020 | MAPPING DEFORESTATION FROM SPACE USING SATELLITE RADAR TECHNOLOGYBangkok, ThailandDeforestation is a major problem in the Greater Mekong Region. ADPC developed a system to map deforestation from space using radar satellites. We are developing a system from data ingestion and processing using cloud-based computational technologies in order to present policy makers and environmental protection agencies with near real-time information on forest disturbances. | Internship6 month |
21February2020 | INTEGRATION OF NEW SATELLITE-BASED PRODUCTS TO IMPROVE RAINFALL ESTIMATES (2)Bangkok, ThailandEnhance the VRSGS support tool incorporating multiples satellite-based rainfall products into the system. | Internship6 month |
21February2020 | DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERACTIVE WEB TOOL FOR LANDSCAPE MONITORING USING SATELLITE DATA, SPECTRAL INDICES, AND CLOUD COMPUTINGBangkok, ThailandMonitoring and protecting the landscape is an important issue in the Greater Mekong Region. ADPC developed a system to map the landscape from space using satellites. The system was developed in collaboration with the University of Maryland, Google and NASA. We are currently developing an interactive dashboard for policymakers and other stakeholders to monitor the state of the land. | Internship6 month |
9February2020 | PROJECT MANAGERHanoi, VietnamThe Project Manager will take lead in the management and implementation of ADPC programs and projects in Viet Nam, particularly of the management and implementation of the URCE program in Viet Nam. The Project Manager will represent ADPC in Viet Nam in promoting and enhancing cooperation in disaster and climate risk reduction and resilience between ADPC and the Government of Viet Nam, development partners and other stakeholders to support Viet Nam in the implementation of SFDRR, SDGs, etc. This position is located in Hanoi, Viet Nam, and reports to the Director - Urban Resilience. | Regular Contract12 month |
2February2020 | MONITORING AND EVALUATION MANAGERBangkok, ThailandThe Monitoring and Evaluation Manager will work within the Strategic Planning Department (SPD). S/he will lead the implementation and regular review of ADPC's Monitoring and Evaluation systems, processes, and minimum standards. S/he will also ensure the alignment between the institution level M&E requirements and program/project-specific M&E activities. S/he must have a firm command of Monitoring and Evaluation issues with respect to DRR, climate change, education, organizational development and capacity building, and service delivery strengthening, especially for DRR programs. S/he will work closely with the Directors for designing and implementing the Monitoring and Evaluation activities of the programs and projects, take the lead in base line studies, midterm reviews and final evaluation of the projects and programs. The Monitoring and Evaluation Manager works to maximize quality of programs and ongoing learning at ADPC. | Regular Contract12 month |
19January2020 | COMMUNICATION COORDINATORBangkok, ThailandThe Communication Coordinator will provide support to the Communication Manager in advancing the disaster risk reduction agenda in Asia and the Pacific through targeted and innovative communications within the scope of ADPC's vision, mission, and goals. | Regular Contract12 month |
16January2020 | SOUTH-SOUTH LEARNING, RESEARCH AND COMMUNICATIONSBangkok, ThailandADPC with support from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) launched the Asian Preparedness Partnership (APP) under the auspice of Strengthening Capacity of Government and Local Humanitarian Organizations on Preparedness for Response in Asia program to improve preparedness and humanitarian response to disasters in Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka by strengthening the interface and partnership between Government and Local humanitarian organizations and enhancing capacities through partnerships, knowledge resources, training, and networking opportunities. | Consultant3 month |
| Internship12 months |