National Workshop

Partnership, Applicability and Scalability of Innovations and Technologies for Climate Resilience in South Asia





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Workshop Objectives
ADPC aims to provide an interactive platform to innovators by facilitating national workshops to showcase the achievements of the iCARE Innovations Fund in Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan and to solicit feedback and recommendations from the stakeholders, including government agencies, on the innovations’ relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, and scalability. These workshops will help foster collaboration and partnership among various stakeholders, raising awareness and appreciation of the iCARE Innovations Fund and its role in enhancing climate resilience in SAR countries.
Expected Outcomes
  • Showcase Achievements: These workshops will demonstrate the progress and accomplishments of the iCARE Innovations Fund in SAR countries, highlighting the impact of the funded projects.
  • Promote Innovation: Innovators will have the opportunity to showcase their solutions and share best practices, promoting a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Solicit Feedback: Stakeholders, including government agencies and development partners, will provide actionable feedback and recommendations on the innovations, enhancing their relevance, effectiveness, sustainability, and scalability.
  • Knowledge Sharing: The workshop will facilitate dynamic knowledge exchange and learning, gaining insights and building capacity to better address climate adaptation and resilience challenges