Partnership, Applicability and Scalability of Innovations and Technologies for 

Climate Resilience in South Asia

Quick Facts (Pilot Innovations)

  • Grant amount per proposal/project: Up to USD 100,000.
  • Number of projects to be supported: 08-10
  • Total grant fund available for all projects: USD 1 Million
  • Project duration: 15 months
  • Geographic scope: South Asia Region countries
  • Relevant Areas: Disruptive and Innovative Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience in the key focused sectors of Climate information and analytics; Early Warning System for All; Integrated Water Resources Management; Climate Smart Agriculture; and Resilient Infrastructure; and Effective Investments in Climate Adaptation.
  • Eligible entities: INGOs, CSOs, NGOs, Public and Private Sector entities, including academia and consortia.
  • Proposal submission deadline: 28 August 2023 (tentatively)
  • Information platform: www.adpc.net/icare
  • Submission and queries email: innovationgrants@adpc.net

Quick Facts (Scaling-up Innovations)

  • Grant amount per proposal/project: Up to USD 250,000.
  • Number of projects to be supported: 5-6
  • Total grant fund available for all projects: USD 1.5 Million.
  • Project duration: 15 months.
  • Geographic scope: South Asia Region countries.
  • Relevant Areas: Disruptive and Innovative Solutions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience in the key focus sectors of Climate information and analytics; Early Warning Systems for All; Integrated Water Resources Management; Climate Smart Agriculture; Resilient Infrastructure and Effective Investments in Climate Adaptation.
  • Eligible entities: Implementing partners of CIC and TechEmerge projects.
  • Proposal submission deadline: 28 August 2023.
  • Information platform: www.adpc.net/icare
  • Submission and queries Email: innovationgrants@adpc.net


General process

Q: What is the deadline for submitting my proposal?
The deadline for submitting the final proposal is 28 August 2023, 2359 hrs. BKK time

Q: Can I submit applications after the deadline?
No proposals shall be entertained after the deadline.

Q: What happened after submitting a proposal?
You will receive email for successful submission

Q: What is the allowed duration of proposed projects?
The project implementation duration is for the period 11 October 2023 – 31 December 2024.

Q. Who should I email at ADPC in case I have a question regarding this call?
For all queries related to the proposal submission, you may write to innovationgrant@adpc.net

Q. Can applicant institutions involve additional partners?

Yes, applicant institutions may collaborate with partners having non-profit, non-governmental, civil society organizations, and think tanks.

Q. Is there a maximum number of partners/institutions that the lead applicant can enter as collaborating institutions?
There is no maximum number of partners/institutions for collaboration.

Q. Can the proposed research be conducted in multiple countries?
This is exclusively for the participating countries, namely South Asian Region (SAR) countries

Q: To be shortlisted, what does my proposal need to highlight and show?
Proposals having solution for its outreach and benefit to both citizens and relevant government agencies should be highlighted.

Budgetary consideration
Q. What currency should the budget be submitted in?

The currency to be referred in the proposal should be USD