Climate Innovation Challenge

Partnership, Applicability and Scalability of Innovations and Technologies for Climate Resilience in South Asia

What is it?

The Climate Innovation Challenge (CIC) aims to crowdsource innovative and disruptive technology solutions from around the world for resilience in South Asia. Through grant awards, matchmaking and pilot-testing, CIC will facilitate innovations across different sectors at national, sub-national and local/community levels in the region.

The Program for Asia Resilience to Climate Change, a trust fund administered by the World Bank and funded by the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), has made US$3.5 million available to ADPC to identify and pilot innovations to reduce climate risk and build climate resilience of communities vulnerable to such risks and extremes.

Facilitating innovators to deploy technology and innovative solutions to enhance climate adaptation across different sectors and levels is part of a 5-year project called “Climate Adaptation and Resilience (CARE) for South Asia.” The project is a partnership between ADPC, Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES), and the World Bank to support informed decision-making for protecting development gains in the region. 

The project aims to create an enabling environment for climate resilience in the region, focusing on Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan by improving the availability of regional data and knowledge, developing guidelines, tools, and capacities, and promoting climate-resilient decisions, policies, and investments across key sectors.

CIC is a key component of the CARE for South Asia project.


About ADPC

The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is an autonomous international organization with a vision to reduce disaster and climate risk impacts on communities and countries in Asia and the Pacific by working with governments, development partners, international organizations, NGOs, civil society, private sector, media, and other key stakeholders.

ADPC is implementing the “Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia” or CARE for South Asia project supported by the World Bank. The project is supporting the region in building resilience to climate change by improving the availability of regional data and knowledge, developing guidelines, tools and capacities, and promoting climate-resilient decisions, policies and investments across key sectors. The development objective is to contribute to an enabling environment for climate resilience policies and investments in select sectors and countries in South Asia.

The Climate Innovation Challenge (CIC) , a sub-component “Innovation for Climate Adaptation and Resilience” is implemented as part of the World Bank’s Program for Asia Resilience to Climate Change Multi Donor Trust Fund (PARCC TF Grant) with funding support from the United Kingdom’s The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO).

For details, please refer to ADPC website at