National training course aims to strengthen emergency response of NGO's in Cambodia

National training course aims to strengthen emergency response of NGO's in Cambodia

25 Mar 2013

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

On 25 March 2013, an innovative national training course will kick-start an initiative to strengthen Non-Governmental Organizations’ (NGOs) humanitarian coordination and response in times of emergency.

“The course recognizes the important role of NGOs in disaster response in Cambodia and addresses the need to improve coordination and efficiency between disaster responders,” Dr. Krasae Chanawongse, Executive Director, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center commented."
Supported by the U.S."By networking and supporting improved communications between humanitarian agencies, we hope to progress disaster response in Chanawongse continued."

Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) and facilitated by the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and the Cambodian Humanitarian Forum, the course, “Strengthening Emergency Response Capacity of Humanitarian NGOs in Cambodia,” addresses key issues in humanitarian coordination, preparedness for response, and information management. To achieve sustainability, the course focuses on the Training of Trainers (ToT).

Additionally, the course promotes peer-to-peer learning modalities among humanitarian NGOs and provides a common platform for networking among existing local humanitarian NGOs, the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), and other humanitarian agencies.

Twenty-five attendees will participate in the course, namely staff from Cambodia’s NGO community, NCDM and lecturers from the Royal University of Phnom Penh. The training covers modules, which include:

Cambodian Humanitarian Forum:

Established as a think-tank, CHF focuses on the humanitarian reform process of NGOs and in response operations. CHF facilitates online discussions between its members, serves as an e-library for resources related to emergency management, and acts as an information sharing platform giving details on upcoming training events and alerts on impending disasters, aiming to keep its viewers up-to-date in the field of disaster risk reduction in Cambodia.

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center:

As the most hazard prone region in the world, Asia-Pacific must proactively manage its disaster risk. For nearly 30 years, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) has been making Asia-Pacific safer by strengthening disaster resilience at all levels.

Established in 1986, ADPC is as an independent non-governmental organization. With headquarters located in Bangkok, Thailand, ADPC has country offices in Bangladesh, Lao PDR and Myanmar. ADPC’s well-established networks with government line agencies and strong partnerships with regional organizations and development agencies provide the foundation for their work.

ADPC deploys disaster risk management (DRM) information and systems to reduce local, national and regional risk across Asia-Pacific. Its portfolio focuses on DRM capacity building, improving DRM for cities and climate change, mainstreaming DRM into national and local development, improving DRM systems and undertaking disaster risk assessments. To achieve its aims in disaster risk reduction, ADPC works closely with local, national and regional governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, donors and development partners.

For more information on this event please contact,

Mr. Sisira Kumara
Training Services Unit, ADPC